11/2024 - Big News, Fresh Drops, and a Bit of Chaos!

11/2024 - Big News, Fresh Drops, and a Bit of Chaos!

🎨 Painted Giveaway Complete
Our painted giveaway item is finally finished—check out the attached picture! This stunning Armiger Proxy is up for grabs, so don't miss your chance to enter.

🛠️ November Minis Are Live
We’ve officially posted all new November miniatures, including a backlog of older items. Yep, we're caught up! But that's not all—we’re adding scatter terrain, buildings, and tiles to the mix for your epic tabletop setups.

📅 Upcoming Releases
Mark your calendars! New files will be dropping daily starting November 30th through December 10th, with everything fully posted by December 15th. Keep an eye out—we’ll send an email once previews start releasing so you can plan your next campaign.

📈 Exciting Growth (and a Little Chaos)
The store is growing faster than a bard's tall tales! Keep an eye out for new additions, but if you spot any pricing or shipping quirks (we’re only human), let us know through the chat or contact form. Think of it as your quest to help us level up. Thanks for being awesome! 🎲✨

Stay tuned for more updates and happy gaming! 🎲✨

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